“Vesak Bethi Gee” Held on 25.05.2013 at College rugger ground.
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INVITATION “Ashirwada Pajan Poojawa”
Bakthi Gee 2013
President Mahinda Rajapaksa tosses the coin at the 50th Thurstan vs Isipatana inter school cricket match at the SSC grounds yesterday. He is watched closely by the captains of the two schools, as well as Y. A. N. D. Yapa (Thurstan Principal), A. C. Perera (Isipathana Principal) and Priya Paranavitane, a livewire of the Thurstan OBu. President Rajapaksa is an old boy of Thurstan.
04th January 2013
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2013
The Annual General Meeting of Thurstan College Old Boys? Union will be held on Saturday, the 9th February 2013 at THURSTAN COLLEGE MAIN HALL at 5:00 PM
- To adopt the Secretaries Report of the year 2012
- To adopt the Financial Report of 2011 ? 2012
- To elect the Office Bearers and the Council members for the year 2013-2014.
In terms of section 03 and 05 of article 08 in the Constitution, nominations are called for the unmentioned posts;
- General Secretary ? One position
- Assistant Secretary – One position
- Senior Vice President from the age group of over 50 – One position
- Two Vice Presidents from the age group of over 40 years – Two positions
- Treasurer – One position
- Assistant Treasurer – – One position
- Twelve Functional Secretaries:
- Educational – One position
- Cricket – One position
- Rugby – One position
- Swimming – One position
- Soccer – One position
- Athletics and Other sports – One position
- Cadetting – One position
- Social Activities – One position
- Physical Resources – One position
- Information Technology – One position
- Finance & Fund Raising – One position
- Media and Public Relations – One position
24 members from following age groups evenly as far as possible.
50 Years and above
40-50 Years and above
30-40 Years and above
20-30 Years and above
Kindly note that the Nomination form (specimen attached) duly signed by the Proposer, the Seconder, and the Nominee, accompanied by a letter of consent from the Nominee should be forwarded by registered post to reach the undersigned at ?Thurstan College Old Boys? Union, OBU Office, Thurstan College, Colombo? not later than 13.00 hours on the 26th of January 2013.
Motions or Resolutions
Any motions or resolutions to be raised at the AGM should be forwarded in writing by registered post tp reached the undersigned not later than 26th January 2013. Such resolutions must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Union.
By Order of the Thurstan College Old Boy?s Union,
Dinesh Kulathunga
General Secretary
Thurstan College Old Boy?s Union
Colombo 4th January 2013
- All the Members are requested to produce the Membership Card / Membership number along with the NIC for identification when attending the Annual General Meeting.
- The audited accounts and the report of the secretary is available at the OBU Office at the College from the 31st January 2013. Members can collect these documents if they need by producing the Membership Card / Membership number along with the NIC for identification.
For information you can call OBU Secretariat ? 011-2692955
Any Old Boy who is unable to collect the above documents please call Ms Nalika Pathirana at the OBU office who will make arrangements to post the same to you.
Extract from the Constitution?
1) Members of the union who are past students and possess a valid membership for minimum of one year are eligible to be elected as Council Members.
2) The office bearers of the union shall consist of 2 Ex-officio office bearers and 19 elected office bearers namely;
Ex-Officio Office Bearers
a) The President who shall be the Principal of Thurstan College for the time being.
b) The Deputy President who shall be the Senior Deputy Principal of Thurstan College for the
time being.
Elected Office Bearers
c) One Senior Vice President from the age group of over 50 years and Two Vice Presidents from the age group of over 40 years
d) General Secretary
e) Assistant Secretary
f) Treasurer
g) Assistant Treasurer
h) Twelve Functional Secretaries, namely;
- Educational
- Cricket
- Rugby
- Swimming
- Soccer
- Athletics and Other sports
- Cadetting
- Social Activities
- Physical Resources
- Information Technology
- Finance & Fund Raising
- Media and Public Relations
3) Members of the union who shall be past students of the college are eligible to be elected as office bearers and council members upon their own nominations sent to the Nomination Board, other than the Ex-Officio President and Ex-Officio Deputy President. Notice of the Annual General Meeting and Nomination papers shall be dispatched to all the members by the General Secretary 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting and duly completed nomination papers signed by two members who holds 10 years membership must reach the Nomination Board by registered post
14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
4) The Nomination Board shall be established each year two months prior to the date of Annual General Meeting with the majority consent of the council. The Nomination Board of 5 persons shall consist of Ex-Officio President or Ex-Officio Deputy President, General Secretary or Assistant Secretary, two Council Members and one Advisory Board member nominated by the Council.
5) a) A Senior Vice President, Vice Presidents and General Secretary shall be elected from among those who have served the Council for 10 years out of which at least 3 years should have been as an Office Bearer. Other Office Bearers excluding the Ex-officio members shall be elected from among those who have served a minimum of one year as a Council Member.
b) The maximum continuous period that a Senior Vice President, Vice Presidents, or the General
Secretary could serve shall be 3 years and after completion of this period he would automatically
cease to hold such position, and he will be eligible to seek re-election after a period of one year,
which duration will be from one Annual General Meeting to the next Annual General Meeting.
However after 3 years such Office bearer will be eligible to seek immediate re-election to another
position afore mentioned in this clause. If a person is elected midway during a term for the purpose
it shall be considered one year
6) Any vacancy occurring before the ensuing Annual General Meeting shall be filled by the Council from among members of the union as specified in Clause 8.1.
7) Any person who has been removed from the Council for being absent will not be eligible to hold a post in the Council for 2 years from the date of removal.
Thurstan College Old Boys? Union
Dear Sir,
I,———————————-of—————————————————–. have pleasure to forward herewith my Nomination Form for the post of ——————-. duly signed by me, my Proposer and the Seconder. My letter of consent is annexed.
Yours faithfully,
—————————— Membership Number:———————-
Signature of Nominee
Proposed by:———————–
Signature:————————. Membership Number:—————-..
Seconded by:———————
Signature:———————–. Membership Number:—————–..
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Thurstan College Old Boys? Union for the
Year 2013 will be held at 5.00 p.m. On Saturday the 9th February 2013 at the College Main Hall.
1. 5.00 p.m Arrival of Chief Guest & Guest of Honor
2. 5.05 p.m Lighting of Oil Lamp
3. 5.10 p.m College Anthem
4. 5.15 p.m One minute silent Tribute to Old Thurstanites
War Heroes /Late Principals & Staff Members
5. 5 20 p.m Reading the notice of convening the AGM
6. 5.25 p.m Letters / Messages of excuse
7. 5.30 p.m Welcome Address by the president of OBU
& Presentation of Principals report.
8. 5.35 p.m Address by the Chief Guest
9. 5.30 p.m Adoption of
(a) Minutes of the previous AGM
(b) Secretary?s Report
(c) Annual Accounts
10 5.45 p.m Resolution of which due notice has been given
11. 6.00 p.m Election of office Bearers & Council Members Vice Presidents
General Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Treasurer / Assistant Treasurer
Functional Secretaries
Council Members
12. 6.10 p.m Appointment of Auditor
13. 6.15 p.m Open Quorum for new points
14. 6.25 p.m Vote of thank
15. 6.35 p.m National Anthem
Please note that members who wish to vote at this Annual General Meeting should posses there TCOBU membership card.
Dinesh Kulathunga
General Secretary
Dear All
Thurstan Under-18 soccer team will be participating invitation soccer tournament on 26th of January 2013 at Sugathadasa Stadium. This event organize by Old boys union of Hameed Al-Hussain College
Tournament First match kick-off @ 2.30pm after the completion of grand opening ceremony where Thurstan take on mighty Hameed Al-Hussain
As a functional secretary of Thurtsan soccer i cordially invite you to present this occasion & cheer our boys
DATE : 26/01/2013 ( @ 2.30PM )
*** During the period of tournament (from 26/01/13 to 10/02/13 ) there is a special vote contest will be taking place in-order to choose the most popular school boy soccer player***
We nominated Vishwa Deneth Sankalpa for this who toured twice with Sri Lanka School team in reason time
Dear All,
The Principal and the staff ( Academic & Non Academic ) of Thurstan College pleased to invite former Principals, Teachers and Old Boys and to coincide with the 63rd Anniversary of the Thurstan College, decided to hold the above All Night Pirith Ceremony followed by Morning Alms Giving to 20 Bhikkus at the College Main Hall.
The All night Pirith Ceremony will be on the 24th January (Thursday) 2013 commencing at 9.00 p.m and followed by Morning Alms giving to 20 Bhikkus on the 25th (Friday) 2013.
The Principal, Teachers, Academic /non academic staff and Thurstan College Old Boys Union, wishes if all invitees and their family members too could participate in this event to make it successful.
1st ticket of the Thurstan vs Isipathana golden jubilee encounter was handed over to President Mahinda Rajapaksha by Thurstan Principal Col. Y.A.N.D.Yapa & Isipathana Principal Mr. Perera at the recent dinner function held at Temple trees. Further He consented to be the Chief Guest at the 50th big match.
Motor Parade 2012 (Images)
“Pics. By OBU Official Photographer – Franklin Hingot –“
Thurstan swimming
Dear All,
Thurstan U10 Swimming Relay team won the gold medals for 50×4 free relay (1st place) & Silver medals for 50×4 medley relay (2nd place) for the first time in Thurstan college swimming history at national swimming relay carnival meet held at Sugathadasa swimming pool complex on 17th nov 2012.
I would like to thank the dedication of Coach Mr. Nill Wasantha, asst coach Mr Chandana Pradeep, and M I C. Mr Samitha Abesundara, swimming pool manager Mr Sisira and the staff, parents, O B U & who gave the fullest support to develop Thurstan swimming.
Thank you
Mahendra.k wijetunga (functional Secretary)