Thurstan College Web Developed Team – PHASE 01 (2003-2004)

Standing From Left: Rakitha Amendra (Vice President Marketing -JOBU), Sanjeewa Pulleperuma (JOBU Member) ,Manjula Priyantha (JOBU Member), Eresh Wijegunaratne(JOBU Member), Sajith Eshan (Web Master), Chaminda Dhanuka(Web Master) ,Tharaka Lakmal (Web Master).
Message from the Web Designers
As the Webmasters of Newly Developed Web site for Thurstan College, Realized that old Web sites related to Thurstan college (Free Hosted) are not up to the standards. Those were basic HTML pages with very little Images and never used Advanced web designing techniques like Flash, DHTML, Java etc. Then We (Three of us ) got together and decided to Design a new Web site. For our point of view this is a fully sufficient Web site in every aspect. We used Graphics ,Images Flash, Audio, Video considering the fact that these are not effective to the download speeds and the bandwidth. Even though we designed the site we could not host it by our own . then we got to know that junior Old Boys Union is also planning to design a web site for the college . we got together with them and lunched the site . there were few old boys in the IT field and some are in the web designing field . they helped us a lot, giving advices, technical details, design techniques and encouraged us to build a complete web site containing almost everything a college site should have .
“Content” is the core in this Web site. We flashed back to over 50 years, the whole history of Thurstan, and briefed in to this site. In the index page (Home page), We introduced a flash menu that gives a quick glance of the Thurstan college and it’s facilities. From that page browsers can move to any page in the site . and it’s designed in a Hierarchical Structure
We think the information given here is 100% accurate, but if there is any discrepancy, pledging to take the corrective action. As a front runner to this web site we re-introduce the Information Society of Thurstan college and as a club committed to carry on this web site for a foreseeable future. In bringing our idea to a success, so many people in top to the bottom of hierarchy, helped us in many ways. In considering the importance of this we devoted a new web page called special thanks because thanking them as a unit is not equitable as they did a tremendous job.
We think this is a Big Step to Thurstan college in the new millennium, and we are in a position to compete with any school in the Island in the field of IT. Thank you

Message from the JOBU Project Leader

This was a dream that some of the old boys had for few years… It was not possible for one individual to do a major project like this alone. When The JOBU was planning to do the web site we got to know that some of the college students have developed a web site for the college. We wanted them to join us to do this project .I was expecting a very basic web site with few pages from the students who developed it . I never expected such a professional web site. But, when I saw the site for the first time … I was amazed by that.
So we guide the students to develop the web site correcting the mistakes, and adding more fetures with the help of some web designers who are Thurstan old boys working at web designing companies. And we have asked the students to add more details and content to the site. We have registered the domain for 10 years. And we have got 50 MB of web space on the Internet. More than enough to put all the details about the college.
What we are trying to achieve today….. is something which was lacking for a long time . we didn’t had a way to show the world what is happening inside Thurstan college . We want this to be the Message Board or the News Bulletin of Thurstan College for the rest of the world. The students, The teachers, The Parents, The Old Boys will benefit from the information available in this web site.
The web site will not be a ordinary web site. We will be updating the details once a week or more. This web site contains a huge amount of details divided into several sections carefully. And I think non of the college web sites in Sri Lanka has details or web content like our one. And we have plans to take the college web site to the next level. In the near future a Old Boy Could Buy tickets to the Big Match via this web site using his credit card , or a parent could see his son getting the prefect badge via live web stream . Our dreams go as far as that.
I must thank the support Given by Our Principal, Vice Principal, master in charge Mr.Kapila Pradeep , The Old Boys Union , Junior OBU Senior Vice President Mr.Sujeewa Perera, Committee and members of the JOBU, The old boys who are working in web designing companies Eresh, Sanjeewa, Manjula, Saman, Kalum , Gaurika, And the college students who have developed a wonderful site Sajith Eashan, Tharaka Lakmal, Chaminda Dhanuka. We all as Thurstanites are proud of these three college boys .
If you have any comments about the site please send it to : [email protected] . if you have photographs , details about the college history . Details about the students or anything that you think is important to the web site, please send to the given e-mail address or give it to Mr.Kapila Predeep , College Web Coordinator & master in charge of IT .