Business & Corporate Affairs by Sunil Karunanayake
On 26thMarch, 2012 Sunil?s maiden publication ‘Business & Corporate affairs’ was launched in the presence of a packed audience at the Auditorium of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Sunil is a well known figure in the Thurstan Community. Long time Treasurer of the OBU, Founder member of the Thurstan Trust Fund, Originator of the Founder?s day Oration, Historian of Thurstan Rugby are many facets of his involvement with Thurstan.
Sunil as some of you know was the Commercial Controller of Unilever Tea Division and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of SL and Chartered and Management Accountants UK and holds a MBA from the post Graduate Institute of Management of the University of Sri Jayawardenapura After leaving Unilever he joined the Institute of Chartered Accountants of SL as the project Director of the World Bank funded IRQUE project. He also served as editor of the Institute?s quarterly publication ?The Chartered Accountant?. At present he is the Chief Financial Consultant of Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd in addition to being in the directorate of several listed companies. He was a regular contributor to leading Weekly Financial Times
The book launch was simple but elegant, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Sujeewa Rajapakse introducing Sunil, paid him a glowing tribute elaborating his contribution to the Institute and his professional career, two outstanding personalities Deshmanya Dharmasiri Pieris [ Distinguish Thurstan Old Boy – ? MDD?] respected retired Civil Servant of the elitist Ceylon service and Dr Wickrema Weerasuriya well known legal personality, former Professor of Laws at Monash Australia and former Secretary to Ministry of plan implementation kept the audience on their toes with two outstanding deliveries elaborating the author as well as the contents.
To quote from Preface
?This book comprises of 5 sections i.e.: Business and Corporate Affairs, Banking and Finance, Economic Affairs, Education and Social Overheads and change and development. These bring in to focus government policies, deficiencies, achievements and analytical studies covering the period 2005 to 2011. These articles initially elaborating on crisis situations move in to the post war regime with a flurry of economic activity in infrastructure development, capital market development, leisure sector expansion, liberalization of exchange controls, sports economy, etc. Development of the North and East in the economic process are expected to guide Sri Lanka to sustainable growth, peace and stability?
The books is available at Sarasavi Book Shop, Odel, Lake house Book Shop, Bare Foot Book Shop and the cost is Rs 980/-.
There were many Thurstanites present at the launch, many were his contemporaries in the 1968-69 batch.