Message from the Principal

It gives me great pleasure to have been requested to issue a message as the head of the institution at this juncture of introducing an official web site for Thurstan College.
I am really proud and happy on this special occasion as students of Thurstan College ventured to introduce a web site for the college of? their own. Presently, time is so precious that men, women & children endeavor to get the maximum return in? a short time.
Considering the latest technological advancement, the advantage of having an official web site no doubt facilitates global access. Any one who has access to internet can obtain the required information at the press of a button.
Those Thurstanites and others who are living away from us could obtain upto date information concerning college activities such as the on going development project of the college play ground at Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo-07, etc. I sincerely hope old Thurstanites living in different parts of the globe will make use of this web site.
Sometime ago the telephone was considered to be an advanced mode of communication but today with the introduction of web sites, etc. It has become very convenient in extracting global information within a short time.
Web sites have become very popular in the commercial sphere since time factor is very vital in business related activities.
I wish the students concerned good luck on their maiden attempt and trust that more and more novel attempts such as this may be introduced for the common benefit of all.
R. D. M. P. Weerathunga
Principal of Thurstan College